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Saturday, March 26, 2011

Feelings Must Be Kept In Perspective

Many of us remember that old song "Feelings". The chorus line goes something like this .... "Feelings, wo-o-o feelings, Wo-o-o feelings".  It's easy to go off the edge because of our feelings, isn't it? However, if we fail to keep them in a structured perspective, they will run us and they can even have the potential to do some serious damage on the inside. We all have them ... but we must make sure they don't have us. Feelings have the potential to ruin relationships, end marriages, destroy trust and even cause us to question our motives, even when our motives are good..

There is a huge potential to make bad decisions when feelings are in the drivers seat.  Feelings are fickle and many times than not, they aren't very stable either. I can remember times when I've made decisions based upon my feelings and was met with absolute failure, chaos and frustration. The reason we should never base major decisions off of our feelings, is due to the fact that our feelings can deceive us and turn us in the wrong direction. At times, feelings can even cause us to not see things with clarity because our vision has been skewed..

Base major decisions on reality and fact, not feelings.
Until next time,
Coach Tracy

Friday, March 4, 2011

Treat Others With Respect

Consider this quote:
"Because you're not what I would have you be, I blind myself to who, in truth, you are."
 How many people fall in to this captive mindset? If we want a sure-fire way to sabotage a friendship, it is enveloped in placing unrealistic expectations on others. Have you ever placed great pressure on a person to come through and be there for you? I've done it, but I've also experienced that pressure placed upon me from others. Many times we think the above quote about others way too often.

In my not so distant past, I was faced with the decision to address and confront some issues in a friendship I had with someone. Can I tell you it was difficult, as a matter of fact ... it was gut wrenching and I hated every minute of it! I despise confrontation because I don't want to hurt anyone. I lost sleep over it. The result? This person ended their friendship with me and now snubs me every time she sees me. It's hurtful, it's wounding and it's just not fair. I confronted with gentleness, I did it in love, I had the right attitude and yet ... the result was this. This person likes to confront, but doesn't like to be confronted. What does that tell you about someone? It tells you that they have been hurt and wounded and have alot of anger inside of them from unresolved issues in their lives and truly needs healing. That's what it tells you.

But what I had to come to terms with was that I did what I felt was right. I took it to the Lord, I prayed about it and in the course of my decision to confront her, I continued treating her very respectfully whenever I seen her and always made sure that I spoke to her in passing. THEN ... after the confrontation ... my world was rocked. She became very curt, angry, not speaking to me and I began to see bitterness and unforgiveness raising it's ugly head in her. To this day, she is still angry at me and I have released it to God. I realize that I cannot control how people react to me, but my responsibility is to walk in forgiveness, love her and pray for her and that's exactly what I do. Relationships are very peculiar, especially relationships between women. Some women can be very mean spirited. I don't just say that nonchalantly either ... it's true!

The bottom line is that we must come to the realization that people, first of all, were never meant to, let alone capable of ... ever filling that God-shaped hole inside of us. People will hurt us, God will not. I will never forget my last phone call with her. I told her we could start over and begin building that trust back up. I shared with her that I had forgiven her completely and even apologized for avoiding her ... as she had perceived I was doing to her prior to the phone call. Her perception was one thing and the truth was another. I wasn't avoiding her, I was trying to figure out how to address this situation. Anyways, needless to say, she doesn't speak to me to this day and I understand that perception and truth can sometimes be worlds apart based upon how our mind deciphers it.

Whenever people don't meet our expectations and needs, or namely in this circumstance, don't overlook something that needs to be addressed ... here's what happens:
  • We distance ourselves from them physically
  • We distance ourselves from them emotionally
  • We withdraw mentally
 But the cycle doesn't stop there ... no, no, no ... it continues. This next step leads us to the determination that we will only give people a very shallow part of us. This is all due to the fact that they failed to meet our needs and expectations that we placed upon that friendship, so they could receive what would be called ... our "deep love of friendship". We can be bizarre in our actions with people ... one day we can tell someone we love them and the next day ... not even acknowledge their presence. What is wrong with that? Alot of things! If we truly love someone as our friend, we will not intentionally treat them unkind or be mean spirited, just to get our pound of flesh back, because they hurt our pride. This is not right and I believe too often times then not ... we allow our flesh to dictate how we treat others, instead of our spirit. Even if we're angry the Bible says "be angry and sin not".

So here's what I want you to understand. Don't be too hasty to write someone off, just because you get mad at them. or you get your feelings hurt. Look at this way ... we've all done enough to God for Him to write us all off, but He hasn't even considered the thought! Treat others with respect. Don't belittle who God created them to be. They are your brother or sister in Christ, whether you choose to look at it that way or not? Is between you and God. Everyone has worth and everyone deserves to be treated with respect.
Until next time,
Coach Tracy :)
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Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Goals Are In Direct Connection To Dreams

Dreams and goals have a direct connection. Why? It's due to the fact that it's difficult to set a goal, without a dream or vision of where you see yourself. There's two different types of goals, "short term" goals and "long term" goals. Each have their own design and strategy. Let me ask you a question. Where do you see yourself in a year, a month, a week or maybe even a day? The bottom line is if you have a goal ... you have a vision and if you have a vision ... you will walk out your destiny! Your destiny is based within two very important superstructures. The first one is "determination" and the second one is "concentration".

Determination is necessary in order to set a purpose to the decision you have made. See, whenever we make a decision about our lives, our future, our career and our relationships ... we also must set a purpose as to what we desire to have take place regarding each of these areas. This is also where concentration comes in to play. We think about each area of our lives and we make adjustments or allowances when needed.

So many times, I see people walking around in utter confusion because they cannot properly identify the picture of what they'd like to see transpire in their lives. When we struggle for clarity, it leads us in to confusion. Some people despise their jobs, others may be unhappy in their marriages and desire a better life, yet ... they have no discipline within themselves to actively participate in bringing the changes in to fruition. People are afraid of change.

It's almost like they'd rather live in mediocrity and disillusionment, rather than participate in bringing about a positive change simply because it's familiar. People are afraid of change! But the fact of the matter is that if they will make a conscious effort to step out in to the unknown, they truly give themselves the opportunity to bring about positive changes. Fear is the underlying cause and creates a stagnant and unproductive life.

Fear comes in all different shapes and sizes! Fear of failure, fear of the unknown, fear of rejection, fear of nonacceptance, and fear of not being loved ... just to name a few. There are many different kinds of fear that hold people captive, keeping them locked in a cell called ... mediocrity. They paralyze people in to stagnancy, emptiness and many times ... even depression. Do not let this happen to you! You have a future and a hope that surpasses all else that may attempt to come in and lead you in to a nonproductive life where you find absolutely no joy in whatsoever. Establish your goals and connect them to your dreams!

Until next time, be encourage and be blessed!
Coach Tracy :)
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