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Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Goals Are In Direct Connection To Dreams

Dreams and goals have a direct connection. Why? It's due to the fact that it's difficult to set a goal, without a dream or vision of where you see yourself. There's two different types of goals, "short term" goals and "long term" goals. Each have their own design and strategy. Let me ask you a question. Where do you see yourself in a year, a month, a week or maybe even a day? The bottom line is if you have a goal ... you have a vision and if you have a vision ... you will walk out your destiny! Your destiny is based within two very important superstructures. The first one is "determination" and the second one is "concentration".

Determination is necessary in order to set a purpose to the decision you have made. See, whenever we make a decision about our lives, our future, our career and our relationships ... we also must set a purpose as to what we desire to have take place regarding each of these areas. This is also where concentration comes in to play. We think about each area of our lives and we make adjustments or allowances when needed.

So many times, I see people walking around in utter confusion because they cannot properly identify the picture of what they'd like to see transpire in their lives. When we struggle for clarity, it leads us in to confusion. Some people despise their jobs, others may be unhappy in their marriages and desire a better life, yet ... they have no discipline within themselves to actively participate in bringing the changes in to fruition. People are afraid of change.

It's almost like they'd rather live in mediocrity and disillusionment, rather than participate in bringing about a positive change simply because it's familiar. People are afraid of change! But the fact of the matter is that if they will make a conscious effort to step out in to the unknown, they truly give themselves the opportunity to bring about positive changes. Fear is the underlying cause and creates a stagnant and unproductive life.

Fear comes in all different shapes and sizes! Fear of failure, fear of the unknown, fear of rejection, fear of nonacceptance, and fear of not being loved ... just to name a few. There are many different kinds of fear that hold people captive, keeping them locked in a cell called ... mediocrity. They paralyze people in to stagnancy, emptiness and many times ... even depression. Do not let this happen to you! You have a future and a hope that surpasses all else that may attempt to come in and lead you in to a nonproductive life where you find absolutely no joy in whatsoever. Establish your goals and connect them to your dreams!

Until next time, be encourage and be blessed!
Coach Tracy :)
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  1. Yes it is amazing what fear can do. It can stop you in your tracks and paralyzed you from moving forward into what God has in store for you. You just need to take FAITH by the hand and say FEAR step aside I have things to accomplish in my life and I don't have time for your nonsense.
